5 Tips/tools to protect your child from the internet! | Coding For Kids
Coding for kids will help them improve their analytical skills that will also help them in school projects. Enroll your child today in coding classes. Welcome to the age of information, or as parents say it: Welcome to the age of too much information. Giving your children online access is something that can either be beautiful to behold or a disaster in the making! Anyone who’s browsed through the unfiltered internet will agree that the open internet is not a place for children! However, today’s education must rely on the internet as well, and given the current state of the world; it doesn’t look like things are going back to normal anytime soon. Children will need to rely on high-quality online educational platforms that meet international standards, much like DIYA, the only difference being that Do It Yourself Academy’s courses also come with international certification! But of course, this doesn’t mean you’re forced to keep letting your child browse through the uncensored internet....