The Link Between Socializing and Growth in Children | Coding robots for kids
“Anything is possible when you have the right people to support you” – Misty Copeland Parenting doesn’t necessarily have what one would call a one-size-fits-all situation. Different children growing up in different environments will have different physical and emotional needs. But one thing that always stays the same is the need to socialize. Why Socializing can be nurturing Sure, children learn a lot from their parents and families. But what really sets them on a path to accelerated development is healthy socializing and friendship. This is how they begin the process of learning acceptable behavior and over time, they also develop bonds with the other children. As their bonds with other children grow, they also begin to build confidence, make friends, express themselves in ways they didn’t before, and even just do silly things together. Let’s land those helicopters! The same care that causes a parent to help can also reduce the potential of growth through accidents. While this article...