Is coding required for robotics? | Coding robots for kids

Learning to code robots is a fun activity for kids. Coding robots for kids can be easy when it is taught the right way. Enroll them today in the best coding academy.

Many people agree that C and C++ are required languages in robotics. ... Because a lot of hardware libraries used in robotics use one of these languages. These libraries allow interaction with low-level hardware, allow for real-time performance and are very mature programming languages.

C++ or Python better for robotics:

C++ is better for low level stuff (e.g. embedded), and python for high level stuff. Both are very common in robotics. Arduino does cater to beginners, and most projects involving Arduino are trivial, but don't let that convince you that there isn't a lot more to embedded because there is.

The most popular language in robotics is probably C/C++ (C++ is an object-oriented successor to the C language). Python is also very popular due to its use in machine learning and also because it can be used to develop ROS packages – see below.

If you are serious about robotics, I'd recommend learning C/C++. Robotics programming stretches from the lowest level (embedded motor and sensor control) all the way up to high-level Artificial Intelligence. C++ is one of the few languages which excels at all of these.


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