5 Tips/tools to protect your child from the internet! | Coding For Kids

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Welcome to the age of information, or as parents say it: Welcome to the age of too much information. Giving your children online access is something that can either be beautiful to behold or a disaster in the making! Anyone who’s browsed through the unfiltered internet will agree that the open internet is not a place for children!

However, today’s education must rely on the internet as well, and given the current state of the world; it doesn’t look like things are going back to normal anytime soon. Children will need to rely on high-quality online educational platforms that meet international standards, much like DIYA, the only difference being that Do It Yourself Academy’s courses also come with international certification!

But of course, this doesn’t mean you’re forced to keep letting your child browse through the uncensored internet. There are options a parent can consider that will give a child full access to the sites they need, while also protecting them from people online they should never meet, and things about the world they aren’t ready to see or know!

1. Manual Child lock:

While there are many amazing tools and software that can help you monitor your child’s internet usage, a good way to ensure they don’t get access to paid content even by accident is to make sure that your account and payment functions are blocked by a password.

2. A reliable antivirus:

Antivirus software is vital. Because the internet is not a kind place, and accidents can occur. The only difference is that on the internet, something as simple as trespassing can have far more sinister consequences. A virus can be as harmless as playing a video on your device, to a program stealing all your personal information. A good antivirus will keep this from happening.

3. Tell them to be honest, it’s okay:

The internet is a big thing today, and a conversation between parent and child regarding how to navigate it and what they shouldn’t watch is vital! That way, your child will be more aware of what not to do when they’re accessing the internet. However, your child must also be fully comfortable coming to you if a mistake has been made. Encouraging such honest behaviour early won’t just help them improve their internet safety knowledge, but also help them communicate with their parents openly and honestly.

4. Deputize them!

Children are ridiculously good at learning how to use computers and the internet in general. Once they have displayed good internet behaviour over a period, and their understanding of the internet itself has improved, you can start giving them projects! Tell them that they must find better ways to protect their accounts and the computer. Of course, make sure you monitor their solutions before they implement them, but this will help your child get on the path of maintaining internet safety while also helping them understand more about how the internet works and why protection is necessary!

5. Positive reinforcement and ISP tracking

With a little internet knowledge and a basic understanding of IP addresses, you can identify the address of the computer that your child is using and contact your Internet service provider to receive the list of websites your child is visiting. However, we suggest this be done only in extreme cases as positive reinforcement of good internet etiquette is far more effective.

Still worried about their safety? Don’t be! When you enroll your child in one of DIYA’s courses, they will be monitored by our expert teachers through online sessions, while they remain in the safety of your home. So if you are looking for high-quality, safe online education, find out more about DIYA here


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