
Secrets to building confidence in your child | Coding Classes For Kids

It is common for all parents to worry about the confidence quotient in their kids. As adults, we ourselves struggle in putting our best foot forward on many occasions, so imagine how difficult it would be for kids to showcase how confident they are, especially when they do not understand the world around them so well. It is not easy for kids to come out confident and portray themselves positively. There could be many factors that would influence their behavior and approach to things. So before you get upset with your child or try to compare them with other kids, give it a thought as to what it is that’s making your child be the way she/he is or what could be done about it. Compliments make a huge difference Yes. Compliments are all that kids want to achieve more. You are giving them plenty of encouragement by complimenting them that will help them build confidence that what they are doing is right and is appreciable. But make sure you praise them only when they do something that could ...

The Link Between Socializing and Growth in Children | Coding robots for kids

“Anything is possible when you have the right people to support you” – Misty Copeland Parenting doesn’t necessarily have what one would call a one-size-fits-all situation. Different children growing up in different environments will have different physical and emotional needs. But one thing that always stays the same is the need to socialize. Why Socializing can be nurturing Sure, children learn a lot from their parents and families. But what really sets them on a path to accelerated development is healthy socializing and friendship. This is how they begin the process of learning acceptable behavior and over time, they also develop bonds with the other children. As their bonds with other children grow, they also begin to build confidence, make friends, express themselves in ways they didn’t before, and even just do silly things together. Let’s land those helicopters! The same care that causes a parent to help can also reduce the potential of growth through accidents. While this article...

DIYA: How To Get Your Child To Learn Coding | Coding For Kids

Coding or programming seems to be very complicated when said out loud. But these days you can find every other parent wanting their kids to learn to code. We as humans evolve and coding for kids is the best example of it. Kids these days have an amazing knack to learn every complicated subject out there provided they are taught in the right way. With the introduction of coding courses and that they can be taken even remotely through online coding classes, many parents are enrolling their kids in online coding classes. Getting your kids to code But how do you get your child to learn coding in the first place? Is it as fun as the regular games they play or the cartoons they watch that keep them glued to their screens? Well, that’s the tricky part. But did you explore the best coding classes for kids? This can take some homework for the elders as well. Why is coding cool? Coding is indeed cool. To be a coder, one has to have the right guidance. While there are many academies that teach c...

To Push or To Motivate - What is Right? | Coding courses

What is the right way to push your child? The answer to this is nada. You shouldn't push your child. Instead, motivate them! Be it career or in personal life, or even while teaching them values. It is very important that kids are always guided the right way with patience. When it comes to children, you need to know when to push hard and when to not. Maybe sometimes you pushed way too hard and ended up regretting it? While this is common, you are not alone. Many parents forget the fine line between motivation and pushing and end up doing the latter. As parents, it is important to understand this. Pushing your child too hard might end up in them being secluded, mentally low, or even developing anxiety issues. The most prominent ill effect of pushing your child can be that they will start feeling insecure and develop extremely low self-esteem. Here are some things you can consider before you end up "pushing" your child. Know your kid Not all children are the same, and it is ...

The Benefits of an Atmosphere of Healthy Debate to a Child | Coding courses

We are all well aware of the benefits of being confident, self-reliant, well-groomed, knowledgeable, and approachable in today’s incredibly social world. However, developing a personality with these traits takes time and being able to gain them early is an incredible advantage both professionally and in life. We all wish the best for our children, but in this case the journey matters as much as the goal! How does one help their child become a well-adapted adult? By laying down strong foundations that can help them grow to become the best version of themselves. That foundation starts by encouraging healthy debate and discussion with them! They stay interested and engaged! Obviously, if you want your children to grow into knowledgeable adults, they’re going to need to be interested! Letting them remain engaged with their interests is great and all, but talking to them about various interests is also a great way to get them to think! The more they think, the more they’ll learn to use thei...

4 Ways to keep your kids engaged and learning at home | Programming Courses Malaysia

Staying at home has become the norm and it’s not just you who’s going crazy, it’s your children too! The last thing you want is for them to waste this valuable time they could spend learning. You might be thinking “But how?! It was hard enough to get them to school, but now you want us to sit them down for a lesson? Good luck getting them to cooperate!” But fret not, the point is to make sure your child stays engaged in the lesson. And when you manage that, most of the work is done! So how would a parent go about creating an engaging lesson for their child? Easy! They pull out all the stops. However, there are a few rules that anyone must follow if they hope to engage children in home-learning. Set a structure: Children need to learn to bring order to chaos, and to that end, you will need to put a curriculum into place if you’re going to have any success in making your child learn anything. Any normally receptive child will be interested at first, keeping their attention on you is what...

Should children start using computers early? - Coding courses & Academy

What is a parent to do? Computers and the internet are a very dangerous place for an unsupervised child. This is why it is important that the child receive instructions on what to do and what not to do when on the internet. Parents may themselves find that they need to do a little more research to protect their online presence and information. Once your child has a good grasp on how to surf the net, they’re ready to reap the rewards of the limitless constructive information they can find on the internet. Improve their exposure: Children who grow using technology the right way will have a greater knowledge base and an improved intuition how technology usually works. Such children will also have a greater affinity towards actually using technology effectively, which will give them a huge edge in the future if additional measures are taken to further their learning. They are able to find and take in more information: Access to massive amounts of information on the internet is a great way ...