Secrets to building confidence in your child | Coding Classes For Kids

It is common for all parents to worry about the confidence quotient in their kids. As adults, we ourselves struggle in putting our best foot forward on many occasions, so imagine how difficult it would be for kids to showcase how confident they are, especially when they do not understand the world around them so well.

It is not easy for kids to come out confident and portray themselves positively. There could be many factors that would influence their behavior and approach to things. So before you get upset with your child or try to compare them with other kids, give it a thought as to what it is that’s making your child be the way she/he is or what could be done about it.

Compliments make a huge difference

Yes. Compliments are all that kids want to achieve more. You are giving them plenty of encouragement by complimenting them that will help them build confidence that what they are doing is right and is appreciable. But make sure you praise them only when they do something that could be done and not something unworthy.

Let your child make decisions

By giving your child the freedom to make decisions, you are letting them understand the fruits or the consequences of the decision. When your child learns to make decisions from a young age, they will start building more confidence.

Be there for them but don’t hand-hold

Children are prone to get hurt quite often. It is natural for any parent to rush to help or empathize with them. But for once, try and let your kid pick themselves up so the next time when you are not around, they will know how to handle the situation with confidence.

Tell them about the ‘half-glass full’ perspective

When you talk to your child, always be an optimist. Instead of empathizing with them on their setbacks, teach them how to feel happy and proud of small victories they had. This will help them boost their confidence and see things on the brighter side. It will also help them cope with setbacks by not lingering in the past.

Accept their interests

Expose your kid to various activities and let them choose their area of interest. No matter what they love, be proud of it and let them know it. Your child could love dinosaurs, planets, stitching, superheroes, roses, and anything under the sun. Encourage them to like what they are doing. When they get expertise in one subject, they tend to be more confident. For example, you could also introduce your child to learning robotics. If she/he likes it you can enroll them in robotic courses for kids. Coding is also a great choice. Also, it is the foundation to learn robotics and other programming languages.

Make them talk about the future

Teach them to look positively about the future. Encourage them to dream big. Their confidence builds better when they aim higher. Never put them out by reacting differently when they tell you their ambition. Your child might want to be a singer or an artist or an archeologist. Kids change their views as they grow up. So, never break their bubble instead encourage them.

These are some of the simplest and everyday things you can do to boost your child’s confidence and help them build it over time. Offer them to learn hobbies that will help them in school or to build a better future. By doing so, you can have a confident and strong growing kid in your home. You can visit DIYA for a better start for your child in learning robotics. DIYA offers hands-on coding education that can help your child get interested in the subject. Get a free Coding Classes For Kids trial today!


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