4 Ways to keep your kids engaged and learning at home | Programming Courses Malaysia

Staying at home has become the norm and it’s not just you who’s going crazy, it’s your children too! The last thing you want is for them to waste this valuable time they could spend learning. You might be thinking “But how?! It was hard enough to get them to school, but now you want us to sit them down for a lesson? Good luck getting them to cooperate!”

But fret not, the point is to make sure your child stays engaged in the lesson. And when you manage that, most of the work is done! So how would a parent go about creating an engaging lesson for their child? Easy! They pull out all the stops. However, there are a few rules that anyone must follow if they hope to engage children in home-learning.

Set a structure:

Children need to learn to bring order to chaos, and to that end, you will need to put a curriculum into place if you’re going to have any success in making your child learn anything. Any normally receptive child will be interested at first, keeping their attention on you is what will be a challenge. Stick to a schedule of ample work and play that they can also get behind.

Make sure they’re having fun:

Children are much more receptive to information when they’re having fun. Create a stress-free environment where they can be themselves. Reward them when they exhibit positive behavior and keep their spirits up through the lesson. Of course, this means you will have to get a little creative with your lessons.

Involve them in the lessons, make them an integral part of it. For example, ask them to do some research and conduct a seminar for you. Or ask them to design their own assignment based on concepts they need to learn.

Stay Positive:

Children often take their cues from a parent’s behavior. Their reaction will be based upon whatever attitude and energy you display. So, staying positive and maintaining a positive outlook throughout the course of the lesson will be a big step forward in keeping them more engaged in the lesson and less engaged in anything stressful that could hinder the learning process.

Online Classes for Kids:

Online learning platforms are designed specifically to keep children entertained during sessions. Home-learning would otherwise involve a lot of planning and effort which a parent may not be able to do given that working from home also happens to be a thing.

In such cases, it would be best to delegate this to a third person. In this case, the third person will be a seasoned teacher who is great at guiding children, and will be assisted by a sophisticated learning platform equipped with tools that children will love to make use of and learn from. It is important that such a choice be made after careful consideration of all the options available.

Looking for the best online courses for your children? Ask us for a free demo session! You can contact us at Programming Courses Malaysia to avail the same.



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