
Active Recall – The advantages of learning this early: Coding robots for kids

Recalling a memory is a very useful phenomenon that can refresh details within the mind. However, active recall is a process that involves consistently stimulating the mind with information that has already been learned in order to ensure that most of the acquired information passes from short-term memory to long-term memory with little loss of information. Basically, ask the child to continuously think about the information they have learned without any recall aids. This is a skill that has a wide range of applications and doesn’t just come in handy when a child is learning. It comes in handy in many professions in the future and helps the child develop a working knowledge of what they are learning about. How does it work? Active recall is a process that involves consistently cycling through a fresh memory in order to ensure it is not forgotten as easily. This allows children to freely recall what they have learned at a time when they are in need of it. How does one differentiate this

Coding for kids: How you can help

We as parents don’t always have a handle on technology like our children do. Our world runs on different rules and technology. Today, life is hardly the same as children can learn and do far more in today’s world. If you believe your child has the aptitude and could develop an interest in something like coding , then there are two possible emotions a parent may feel. One, they should feel very proud that your child is capable of learning from a young age, and two, they may be worried about how well-equipped they are to handle the future. Why make them work? This is when they need to play! Coding is indeed complex when seen as a whole, but the point behind good coding classes for kids is that they will actually enjoy learning how to code and develop it as a skill they can use in the future. There are also more personal advantages that accompany a child when they are in the process of learning how to code. The primary advantage is the learning process itself. This will give a child a ru

Top 4 Benefits of Learning Coding at an Early Age | Coding classes for kids

Coding is better understood when children are exposed to the processes involved before they become adults. While it may seem too much for a child to learn at first glance; the truth is that coding is a language much like any other, built for communication between man and machine. Children happen to be better-suited to learning new languages and concepts than adults. So, when you combine this with an online coding curriculum well-suited to their needs, your child gains a number of advantages. However, for such advantages to be gained, one must ensure that the online courses are on par with the highest international educational standards. There are very few online learning platforms capable of offering the best online courses with international certification. 1. Good Coders are high-in-Demand: Nothing stimulates growth like early exposure to coding techniques. And getting a competitive edge from childhood is an opportunity that only comes once. And if your child decides to put their cod

Should Your Child Have a Future in Tech? | Coding For Kids

It’s no surprise that technology as a whole has multiple viable career paths, but the question isn’t just about the availability of a career path, but rather how well your child may be able to excel on the same path. It isn’t easy to determine the right answer right away, as children are hardly decisive to begin with. But don’t let that stop you from helping them learn the skills they will need to pursue any discipline or field of study. What if they had access to an online source of education? Internationally recognized online learning platforms like DIYA (Do It Yourself Academy) are experts when it comes to creating a career-oriented learning curriculum for children. This way, children can experience what it’s like on a certain career path and choose something they think is fun. The goal here is to help them early on so they can find and choose a career path they love. With the right education, here’s what your child’s future could look like! A future in coding: Coding goes far beyon

7 Skills That Every Child Needs For A Bright Future | Coding classes for kids

Coding classes for kids can be a brainstorming activity. They will learn how to build simple robots through fun activities. Join your kid today in coding classes. There are plenty of real-life technical skills that children can learn at an internationally acclaimed online learning platform like DIYA (Do It Yourself Academy). However, what really brings out the best in these technical skills are certain life-skills that every human will need to use throughout their life, their education, and their career! The sooner children learn these skills, the richer the quality of their life will become, and their potential is unleashed. What are these skills? Allow us to explain. 1. Critical Thinking: Critical thinking is a vital skill that is necessary for any profession that requires the mind to make connections that aren’t necessarily apparent at first. The ability to take in information and process it in multiple ways is a skill that is a powerful advantage when taught early. 2. Varied persp

5 Tips/tools to protect your child from the internet! | Coding For Kids

Coding for kids will help them improve their analytical skills that will also help them in school projects. Enroll your child today in coding classes. Welcome to the age of information, or as parents say it: Welcome to the age of too much information. Giving your children online access is something that can either be beautiful to behold or a disaster in the making! Anyone who’s browsed through the unfiltered internet will agree that the open internet is not a place for children! However, today’s education must rely on the internet as well, and given the current state of the world; it doesn’t look like things are going back to normal anytime soon. Children will need to rely on high-quality online educational platforms that meet international standards, much like DIYA, the only difference being that Do It Yourself Academy’s courses also come with international certification! But of course, this doesn’t mean you’re forced to keep letting your child browse through the uncensored internet.

Personality Development – Why it's important | Coding Academy

There are many coding academies online. For the best coaching in coding, enroll your child in the best coding academy today. If you take human intelligence to be the mind’s engine, then one can say that the human personality is the steering wheel that directs said engine! Even the smartest child in the planet needs to have a good personality and temperament in order to make proper use of their gifts. What far too many parents don’t realise is that even if a child is incredibly intelligent, whether they’re able to make use of it is highly dependent on how developed their personality is. This is why many top-notch education programs (both online and offline) now choose teachers who can have an immensely positive impact on a child’s personality. Elements of a personality: Confidence Confidence and a good personality go hand-in-hand, and you simply cannot have one without the other. Confidence is what both children and adults need in order to be assertive enough and get their point across